Saturday, November 27, 2010

is that really happened??haha nye semalam..
dah la bangon awal..pastu terdetik kat hati kecik ni..'2010 is about to, i have to, at least, attend one huge party as a compliment to that host!hahaha' and my day yesterday started sourly..and few days back, it was like a whole misery week for me..amagadd! so many things happened and me myself seems like cannot handle it at all..however, Alhamdulillah, Allah maha kaya...and adil to me..after all that dramas n soaps, things that i thought of will-it-really-happen-again was really happening!!arrrhhh
im so happy... ^^,

Friday, November 26, 2010

what a wonderful year i've ever experience in my,happiness,laughter,pain(mostly) n the great thing is, its all melt like chocolate..once u hold in your palm, it will just disappear when you lick it..haha..amazin'..i thank you Allah for every single thing that i'd passed through..without your permission i wouldn't be able to cope all after each one..
kawan kawan pun yg boleh kita nilai sendiri boleh kira..haha..naseb baek masih boleh kira..kalo takda langsung??kan??hehe..meeting new people is my favorite activity for now..which not so new peeps but ones that we rarely meet..i prefer to talk to an anonymous but we did know bout their life,n certain things..yet not all anonymous do well..haha
talk to them made me knew that i'm not all by myself in this world..they are peoples who gets more than i have(problems) n there are also who didn't get much as i did..again Alhamdulillah very much because i'm in the middle..
internally, i do not know what i really want..(lies)
i know what exactly what i want but its just not particularly arranged so i become confused!haha..all those things is to fulfill the loneliness that i have while recovering from the emotional torturing of the passed..or now that its happening.
why do i care much about peeps feelings?like they do care bout mine??uhh..i hate it totally..but to me its just the respect feelings that i have towards them..i hope they enjoy the show..reality's hurts though so i give them some entertainment to laugh at..yet there are certain parts that they don't really fun with..well, my story line are spontaneous, no brilliant dialogues at all(sometimes) but they just and can't reach it. i told you, we are different eh. hehe
the pain that i have, mingle around..trying to pursuing each other to win my emotional rank. heyy..c'mon..its hurt to put you guys on places..i'd rather let all of you randomly inside there..hahaha..less pain at the centerpiece!memory hurts me most..this one where love thingy is around..ahhh...pain to talk about but its my guilty pleasure because its the last one(as promised to myself)..yeah, i am trying my best to not to think about it anymore but i'm not a just like another history, it soon will be totally forgotten..i don't really like history so i would not recall any if anyone asked.sorry..haha
a journey that will also be forgotten soon as we all get busy with not so busy life..haha..yet, it must end up..wisely..without turning back to leave all the pain that caused me injuries internally, so 'au revoir' to all..i'll carry the sweetest ones with me..and those who are negative, i'll just forgive and forget on what you've done..i'm not perfect too but to be with another imperfects, that another disaster!hhahaha
so..til we meet again~
XOXO love